Sunday, September 29, 2013

Back from trip to Israel - Part 2: The Isaiah 54:17 Bracelets

Dear friends,

I am back from my trip to Israel and I have many great stories and photos to share. Below are photos of people in Israel that received the silicone bracelets I mentioned I would give out to the Jewish people. The Lord said He would cause the people to be curious about them and I can't tell you how many times I was approached by people wondering what they were. Many were touched and overwhelmed that someone from America spent so much money and time to travel to their land to tell them they are loved and prayed for by believers in America. One of my first encounters was while at Masada in the Judaean Desert as you will see below. I had 450 bracelets and I returned with only the 2 that I was wearing. 

The anointed bracelets!

IDF soldiers from the Givati Brigade. They are the elite of the Israeli Military.

Another member of the Givati Brigade. She also sang some Israeli songs to us with 3 other soldiers. It was awesome!

2 more Givati soldiers...also part of the group who sang for us. 

Jewish man (left) and Russian Messianic Pastor (right) They were both climbing with their wives when we encountered them. 

Taken at top of Masada just after meeting the Israeli and Russian Pastor

Jewish woman at the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem

Jewish Canadians taking bracelets back to Canada to share with others. Taken at Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem

Palestinian soldiers at the Tomb of the Patriarchs also known as the cave of Machpaela where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are buried. Located in Hebron.  

Palestinian vendor at the Tomb of the Patriarchs. He wanted a bracelet when I explained what it represented. 

Jewish boy at the Jerusalem March

Jewish young adults approached me about the bracelets. As I explained and handed them one they began to laugh. They laughed because I was quoting the verse on the bracelet from Isaiah when they told me their friend was Atheist and didn't believe in God. He's the third one from the left. He chucked and said he didn't believe in God. I told him God believed in him and he didn't know how to respond. I asked him if he would give God permission to prove to him He was real and was for him and he said yes. Then I asked him if I could pray for him and he said yes. I asked him if I could put my hand on him to pray for him and he said yes. By this time his friends were not laughing anymore. When I put my hand on him the presence of God covered him and his facial expression confirmed it. :) While I prayed for him the Lord told me the young man was searching for his purpose in life but it only escaped him and he was very burdened by it. The Lord said to tell him that God would visit him soon and when He did He would also reveal his purpose in life that he so badly searched for. His friends were wide eyed and the his lips were quivering and the presence of God saturated him. Then I said, Father from my mouth to Your ears, let it be so. Amen! I told the young man that when God visited him he would remember the day that he we met and prayed together, but he said no. I will remember it every time I see this bracelet that I will be wearing! Whoa!!!!    

Tali - she took several bracelets for people she knew and for her nephew who is in the army now. She was also our guide and a great blessing to us. Blessings Tali!!!

Jewish couple from Scotland

Jewish boys from Israel. They were so excited about the bracelets, but when them I came from America they started saying, We love America! I felt much love for these two boys and them I loved them, not only Americans loved them, but I loved them. I think something happened when I said it because they looked shocked and then very sentimental. They left and then the one on the right came back a few minutes later. He looked at me and said I love you too and smile. Then he took off his cap and gave it to me and said he wanted me to have something from him too. I hugged and he turned to leave, but I said wait, I have something for you. I had a baseball cap I bought in Philadelphia during my layover. It was red with Philadelphia embroidered on the front. It was too small for my big head so I took it with me to give it to someone at the march and I knew it was meant for him. He put it on and left with a big smile. It was later that I was told it had to be a prophetic release/act the Lord was doing because Philadelphia is known as the city of brotherly love and I was there from America to share brotherly love with the Jewish people. 

My Jewish bros!

Brazilian Jews!

Brazilian Jews working the bracelets!

Israeli police officer. He didn't want to take the photo at first, but didn't take no for an answer. He was hesitant, but complied when I told him I was from America. Blessings to that precious brother!!

Israeli children came to tell me they loved me and welcome to Israel! They know the magic words to make Samuel give up the bracelets! LOL 

This was a very cool encounter. This is a Jewish Rabbi named Jonah. He laughed when I told him I was Samuel. He and his wife asked me to pray for them to have a child because her name was Hannah and Samuel's mother was named Hannah. Wow! They loved the bracelets. 

One more thing about Jonah and his wife. They if I would allow them to video me speaking a message to PM Netanyahu. They are asked me to tell him to obey the God and not give up any more land. I said yes! I looked into the camera and introduced myself and how I came to Israel from America to sow into the land and people. I said to Benjamin Netanyahu, You hear and know the voice of the Lord, and you must obey to not give up more land. Do not bow down to pressure from the UN or US to give up any more land or to jeopardize or compromise the safety and security of Israel and Jerusalem. I told him, We are praying for you and we stand with you Bibi! Only be strong and courageous for the Lord your God is with you Bibi wherever you go! Amen!

Wow! What an honor to be able to do that. I wonder if he will ever see that clip.
These two guys followed me at the Old City and even make me go into a Sukkot to eat and dance with Orthodox Jewish men celebrating the feast. They would not take no for an answer and so I ate and danced! The man in the middle is very wealthy and owns Mediterranean Restaurants in the US. He still loves to cook for his customers and invited me to visit one of his places. We exchanged contact information and he said he would contact me some time in the future. I hope so! 

This is Beni and his wife Hannah. They grew up in Israel and were fascinated by the story of how I ended up in Israel and the bracelets. They both took one and he gave me his email address to send him this picture. Sweet couple.  

Singapore Christians and Jews on a boat in the Sea of Galilee. They loved the bracelets and gave me a gift and anointing oil in return. The oil has been sitting in their prayer room for the last two years where 24/7 worship takes place. Need I say more?

You can see from the photos the Lord's blessing was on the bracelets as He said it would be. Please remember to pray for the people that received the bracelets as the Lord leads you. He said Salvation would soon be coming to their households and I believe it. There is a mighty move of God stirring in the Holy Land and you and I are a part of it. 

God bless and bless and bless you and your families!!!
