Thursday, October 10, 2013

Back from trip to lsrael - Part 3: Jerusalem March on September 23

This was the day of all days for me in Israel. I ran out of the Isaiah 54:17 bracelets. I gave them to many men, woman and children. I was able to give many to Orthodox Jews and even a few Rabbis took them from me. I mentioned in an earlier post about the Rabbi Jonah and his wife Hannah who asked me to pray for them to have a child. They also asked to video me encouraging PM Netanyahu to not bow down to pressure from the US or any other nation to do anything that would hurt Israel. So I did just that. I looked into the camera and address PM Netanyahu saying, My name is Samuel and I am here from America to say to Israel and the people that we love you and are praying for you! I am also here PM Netanyahu to encourage you to not bow down to pressure from the US or any other nation to do anything that would hurt Israel and the people. I continued, Bibi, you hear and know the voice of God and you must trust and obey to not give up any more land. You must only be strong and courageous and do not fear for the Lord your God is with you Bibi! We are praying for you and we stand with you! Amen! 

Wow! I had so much adrenaline flowing through me after that that I thought I was going to take off like an Iron Dome Missile! Read below more information on the March from the Jerusalem Watch Report:

Excerpted from Barry Segal, Jerusalem Watch Report

Christians Part Of Huge Jerusalem March Turnout: Over 60,000 people took part in the annual Jerusalem March held each year during the biblical festival of Succot, the Feast of Tabernacles. The turnout was nearly double the 32,000 that participated in the event last year. Israelis from all over the country ascended to Jerusalem for the march, as did thousands of Evangelical Christians from all over the world. The Christian delegations are always the most colorful part of the march, which winds through the streets of downtown Jerusalem, ending at the walls of the historic Old City. Israelis are fascinated by the demonstration of support by the Christians, and announcers along the route of the march always make a point of singling out these foreign visitors both in order to express their thanks and to make fellow Israelis aware of what is happening. For the Christians, participation in the march is a precursor to the fulfillment of Zechariah 14:16-21, which foretells a time when all those remaining from the nations will be required to "go up to Jerusalem" during Succot. (Israel Today) "And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of Hosts, and to keep the feast of Tabernacles. Zech 14:16

I hope you enjoy the following clips and pictures from the march. I am looking forward to returning next year with triple the amount of bracelets to sow into the land and the people, but most of all, to share the love of Messiah. The whole purpose of our being there was to be the hands and feet of Yeshua. 

So we began our day with Paul, under the unction of the Holy Spirit, anointing our feet on the bus before we left for the march. 

Above: Pastor Gladys Seahorn of City of Refuge Global Outreach Ministries singing. If you are in Houston, Texas and able to visit, please do!
City of Refuge Global Outreach Ministries
Piney Point Elementary School
8921 Pagewood at Fondren
Houston, Texas 77063

We anoint Paul's feet. 

Paul explains to Tali, our wonderful guide, he is going to anoint her feet.

We made it to the march. The place is festive with celebrations and food!

Who doesn't love Popeye?

Israelis from across the country celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles

Heading to the staging area to prepare for the march

We had a great time meeting delegations from all over the world while we waited for our place in the march

And now for a message from our sponsors...

Our very own special Bishop Brenda Perry leads our group in an awesome song I'm going to call Ha, ha, ha, ha... You'll understand, just watch the clip. 

Time to start marching!

The people were so excited that we were there. It was very overwhelming. 

My new friend Jonah the Rabbi

This picture of a Jewish father with his son is one of my favorites. The joy in there faces expresses their gratitude and excitement that we were there. This picture is worth a thousand and one words. 

The march is over...too soon. We are regrouping before we start heading towards the bus. 

Stan Goodenough making sure everyone is accounted for before we leave. 

The darlings of Israel!

The Jerusalem March during the Feast of Tabernacles 2013 was more than I expected. I made some new friends that day. I hope to see them next year when I return for Feast of Tabernacles 2014. Remember that your prayers and sowing played a big part in all that I was able to do with the bracelets. Many people were blessed by them and I know God will not forget what you did. He will cause the recipients of those bracelets to become curious about the verse on them and when the begin to search it out...they will encounter Messiah! Hallelujah!

I hope that you enjoyed these pictures and will consider joining me next year in Jerusalem. If you are interested, please let me know and I will forward the tour package information as soon as it is made available. 

Please keep your eyes open for more pictures and clips from Israel. And as always, please feel free to share!

