Friday, October 5, 2012

The True Bread of Life

The dreams and visions are increasing. God is clearly speaking and warning people to wake up and be alert. A call to prayer and action is going forth like never before in recent history. The proof of it is that the people are actually responding and taking appropriate action, but the Lord says multitudes are still unaware of the coming storm and will not be prepared when it manifests. This is another dream/vision, a call to intercessors to rise and shine and to be a light. Please respond accordingly. God bless, Samuel. 

I dreamed I was eating some sort of bread with cream spread on top of it. It wasn't a biscuit, but at the same time it wasn't a dessert. The first bite was so good words cannot describe it or the effect it had on my mind, emotions and body. I was immediately flooded with the feelings of love, joy, and laughter…it was like an immense outpouring of peace. I took a second bite and it was better than the first. I was overflowing with the peace. A friend walked up and said, hey where did you get that? Is there more? I told him it was the last one and broke a peace of the bread off and gave it to him. It had the same effect on him when he ate it. His face was illuminated with peace that filled his very being. He asked did you make this? Do you have the recipe to make more? Will you teach me how to make more of this? I laughed and said no I don't have the recipe. No one has it, it's a secret recipe that is generations old and there is only one person that has it. I told him he could have the rest of the last one I had in my hand, but he said no I couldn't take the last one from you. He asked where he could go get more. I said the place is very far, so here, take the rest of this one, but he wouldn't. I said to him, I know where to go get more and when I get there, there is so much in abundance that I can have all I want. He asked again if I would tell him how to get to the place where the bread was made. I said to him I don't know how to tell you how to get there, I just know how to get there myself. I explained to him again the place is very far away and not many people have learned how to get there because few are willing to go the distance for it. I said if you are willing to go the distance I will let you follow me so you will learn how to get there too. Then I insisted that he take the last piece and enjoy it because there would not be anymore until we went the distance and made it to the place where we could have all that we wanted. End of dream

I spent the weekend with my brother at a mens conference and on the last morning we were sitting outside our cabin praising God for the blessing on our lives. We laughed, joked and teased each other about getting older. We watched the sun rays breaking through the thick forest of trees around us. It was a beautiful morning and very peaceful. As my brother was speaking the Lord seemed to pull me out of myself and into the spirit. I immediately had the dream again about the bread with all the emotions I experienced the first time I had the dream. Then He asked me, what did you feel when you ate of the last piece of bread? I thought about it for a second and said, peace, very thick and rich peace. The following is what He said to me:

The current peace the Church and the United States has experienced is coming to an end. In fact, the current peace is a false peace that looks like one thing, but is really something else. It's sweet on the surface, but full of leaven beneath the surface. It will happen in a flash, in the blink of an eye, peace will seem to have escaped the US. I am allowing it to happen to cause a stirring and an awakening to come upon the people. I am causing My people to become tired of being told what to do. My people must rise and be heard. I am causing dissatisfaction in the hearts of my people that is now arousing them from a sleep and slumber I call complacency and apathy. I am causing My people to take a personal inventory of their hearts to understand they are lacking in prayer and true repentance that they might know their true condition and begin to cry out through broken and contrite hearts, and I will hear and release a spirit of repentance to be poured out in this nation. I am now requiring my people to stand for righteousness no matter what the cost. I am now requiring my people to stand for righteousness in the realm that they are to have influence in. Only then will light pierce the coming darkness and lack of peace. My people can no longer stand by and not be a voice in this sinful and corrupt world, but you must begin to cry out as John the Baptist cried out with a loud voice, Repent, prepare the way of the Lord! My people must stand and be heard for then I am heard from heaven. I will give you a mouth and words that cannot be contradicted or resisted. 

I say to My intercessors arise and shine, for your light has come! The revelations and the confirmations have been revealed to you and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Arise and shine in this time of deep darkness and the glory of the Lord shall be seen upon you. Arise and shine for the Lord is revealing plans and strategies to the watchmen who are willing to go the distance to obtain peace for the people. There is a season coming and it is now at your door that will seem to many to be a season totally devoid of peace, but those willing to go the distance in intercession will obtain peace for the people in a greater measure than ever experienced. Those willing to go the distance and stand for righteousness will not be moved, but will be heard as I give them a voice and power to demonstrate righteousness. During this time great signs, wonders and miracles will take place in the heavens and across the land. Fear and terror will strike the hearts of men and even the greatest and bravest of leaders will stumble and fall, but even though it seems the season lacking peace just began it will come to an end just as suddenly, and the end of it shall be filled with abundant life.

It will be like a mother who endures great pain and travails during the birth of a child, but after the birth she immediately forgets the pain for the joy of that child being brought into the world. This is what I will birth through prophetic intercessors that I am causing to arise with a voice of thunder, a voice of authority. They are a new watchman that I am raising up and sending forth…For The People. They seek neither to be seen nor to be known, but that the King of kings and the Lord of lords will be lifted up and revealed to the world. I am giving them plans and strategies to execute and establish this work. I am giving them ears in the bedroom of the enemy to hear and expose the plans and strategies being devised against My people just as I gave Elisha ears in the bedroom of the enemy.

This new guard I will cause to be joined to intercessors of old, the eagles of renowned, always spoken of, but never seen because they soar hidden and concealed in the shadow of the Most High. The old wise eagles will teach them how to enter into the shadow of the Most High and how to stay hidden; seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Their mantles will come upon these new and fresh intercessors I am calling forth and they will be like doves transforming into eagles. What a mighty thing I will do in and through them. They will not be taken seriously as I call them forth into manifestation because they have no reputation and they have no position, but they will be regarded immediately as a force to be reckoned with as I watch over every word they speak to perform them in the sight of all, not one word will fall dead to the ground. What a mighty thing I will do.

The established will label them troublers and dreamer as Ahab called Elijah the troubler of Israel. Yes, the will be troublers of the kingdom of darkness and They are the young Jeremiahs of this generation. They will not regard the opinions of men nor will they fear performing and demonstrating prophetic decrees and declarations…I have not changed. I have given them power over nations and kingdoms…they will not change; and because they speak My words, I will make My words in their mouths fire and the works of the enemy wood, and it shall be devoured. They will root out and pull down, destroy and throw down the kingdoms of darkness established over realms and regions. The principalities and thrones, their networks and systems will be made to dysfunction and malfunction to make way for the building and the planting of the Lord. This too will manifest great signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. Miracles will be the calling card that will usher in great numbers into the kingdom as many are healed and delivered of various terminal diseases and unknown illnesses. Many will come into the kingdom and the very lies and deceptions the enemy has used to keep my people bound under the law of the land will be broken. The voice of the sound of many waters, the voice of my intercessors will be heard in the heavenlies and a breakthrough will take place in the political, educational, economical, entertainment, government, monarchy and religious realms. I will do this; I do not change.

The voice of my people must be heard. Do not fear when your eyes are opened to see the gallows that have been made for you because in the very hour that you become courageous in heart and take your stand the Holy Spirit will come upon you and teach you what you ought to say and how you ought to say it and the enemy will find himself in the very place that he set aside for you. Do not fear because I will give you mouths and words that will not be contradicted; they will not even be able to resist them. You shall be led what to say by every word proceeding out of the mouth of the Father. Be of good cheer and of good courage. Rejoice and do not forget, I am with you and all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me, I am the Lord and I do not change. My people must be willing to go the distance, says the Lord.    

Monday, October 1, 2012

Syrian Crisis - Open Vision

The blessing of the Lord be on all who read this post. I believe you are reading this post by divine leading for the purpose of prophetic intercession. As mentioned in previous posts, the Lord clearly instructed me to release dreams, visions and prophetic words via this blog, email or any other way available. If you feel the witness of the Spirit after reading this post, please do not put off praying as the Spirit leads you to pray. If you are a member of a prayer group, please feel to forward this blog address to others in your group or anyone else. I do believe that we can pray and cause God to delay and lessen the impact of disasters and catastrophes, as well as turn potential defeats by the enemy into triumphant victories by the hand of God.  The Bible is full of examples, but there must be someone willing to stand in the gap.

I am not proclaiming to hold any type of position or office. I am not looking for a following. I am saying that I have received instruction from the Lord during times of worship, studying the Word and intercession, as well as through dreams, visions and visitations, to release these posts to stir up His prophetic intercessors. I have been doing this for several years, but it has always been in the privacy of my prayer room at home and alone with God. It started with personal interpretations, then small assignments and so on. It just grew over the years until recently when He said I want you to start sharing openly what we've been doing in secret. So it's out of my personal time with Dad that this was developed.

Again, the Lord bless you as you yield to His call to intercede for the Church, America and the World.

                  Syrian Crisis – Open Vision on 03-29-2011 

This was an open vision I had just after going to bed for the night on 03-29-2011. I found myself standing in a very large room with a table in center. The only light in the room was hanging over the table so the room was dark. There were several men surrounding the table. I walked up unnoticed by them and stood between two of them, and I also noticed the surface of the table was bowled in.

The drawing above is what the surface looked like. It was some kind of a computer monitor with longitude and latitude lines on it like a world globe, which is what it represented. The line with arrows was moving to illustrate the direction it was moving in, it looked much like the type you see when a weatherman is giving a weather report. I noticed all the men around the table were wearing military clothes; they were very high ranking generals. I suddenly realized they were of the Israeli military and that’s when one of them made the remark noted above under the drawing.

It said - the Syrians have figured out a way to break away from the current. They found an opening that allows them to send or go in any direction they choose. We must not allow this to happen. We must stop them. End of vision

I received this interpretation 09-25-2012

The Lord said what the Syrians found was a way to break away from military intervention that was sure to come from the UN when President Basher Assad would begin to massacre his own people. With the backing of China and Russia continuously vetoing any plans by the UN to intervene militarily, this has provided a door that has allowed the regime not only to kill thousands of innocent people, but also to receive help unhindered from Russia, China, Iran and other terrorist groups, which are supplying Syria and its army with military supplies, which has allowed the regime to do this for over 18 months now without being held accountable. 

Thus says the Lord, prophesy! Prophesy that the door that has been opened to you is now closed to you and your allies, oh Syria, oppressor and murdered of your own people! Be brought low Assad and Syrian army. The door is now closed and no man shall open it! Hear! Oh people of Syria, the innocent and children. All who devour you shall now be devoured; all your adversaries, every one of them shall go into captivity; those who plundered you shall become plunder; all who prey on you I will make a prey. I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds, because they made and called you an outcast, saying no one will come to save you. I come now with an outstretched arm to save and to deliver you, says the Lord!

Please pray and fast for Israel...


Sunday, September 23, 2012

3 Dreams - the Church and America

As I mentioned in my first post, the Lord gave me three dreams starting March 2011, March 2012 and July 2012. It wasn't until last week I started to receive understanding about how all three were connected. I especially received understanding about the last dream and how it is currently unfolding right before our very eyes. Please read them and pray for understanding of the day were are living in. It is a very serious time and day for America, a pivotal point we are fast approaching and the church must wake up. Please forward these dreams if you feel led and pray for America.

First dream - Renovated landfill

I was at God’s house visiting. We were in his bedroom and I noticed he looked extremely different. His muscles were huge and bulging like he’d been working out; even his face muscles were huge and bulging, which made him look totally different. He was standing in front of the dresser looking at himself in the mirror. I was standing next to him on his left. He looked so different there was nothing familiar about his features.

He looked at me and I said, you look different, very different, but you look good. You look like you have been working out on steroids. I almost didn’t recognize you. I probably would have walked right passed you if we were in public. He shoved me playfully like I didn’t mean it, so I said it again. No really, you look good. You look like you’ve been working out. You’re all bulked up and you even look younger and stronger than ever. It’s noticeable to me anyway. He smiled and said come on, let’s go. He walked over to his closet and grabbed his coat. He said I’m going to take you to the mountain of God. I want to you see something that’s happening there. 

Next, we were in a car and I am driving down a highway that I am very familiar with because of my job in the waste industry. I’ve traveled down this road countless times. I ask him if he was sure we were going in the right direction and he smiled and said yes, the mountain of God is just ahead. We were driving past a subdivision on the left that I was used to seeing. I could see the roads in the subdivision from the main road we were on. There were driveways leading to where the houses should be, but there were no houses, only a tree stood in each lot. The trees were mature trees, giant oaks, but they were bare. Not one tree had a leaf on it and the sight was so eerie that it caught my attention. I turned to him to say something about it, but he was observing me and I found myself lost for words.

In the distance behind the subdivision was what looked like a mountain, but I knew that it wasn’t a mountain because of my job. It was a landfill so I finally turned to him and he was observing me again with a big smile on his face. I said that’s a landfill, that’s not the mountain of God. He said, yes it is. I said, but I go there all the time for my job, I know for a fact that is a landfill. He said, yes, it is the mountain of God so I just continued driving. As we got closer, I noticed that the landfill was in the final stages of being renovated to make it look very attractive and beautiful. It was so high that it could be see from miles away. It had big square panels of concrete placed on it from top to bottom like siding on a house. The panels also had designs etched in them that were very beautiful and could be seen from the subdivisions that were built all around it. As we approached, I noticed there was a fence that went completely around it. I drove into the parking lot and parked the car.

There seemed to be some sort of festival taking place, but it was on the inside of the fence. There were people everywhere doing tricks and shows to entertain everyone all around the bottom of the mountain, but we couldn’t get close enough to see very well because of the fence so he said, come on lets go inside. That’s when I noticed there was a bait shop in the parking lot, which also happened to be the only entrance through the fence. I wondered why a bait shop was in the parking lot at what was supposed to be the mountain of God. The whole time he was observing me with his big smile. I began to understand he was revealing something important to me. He was waiting for me to catch on.

We went in and I was surprised to see the bait shop looked more like a souvenir shop on the inside. There were all sorts of gifts you could buy to prove you visited the mountain. There were shirts, wind chimes, posters, coffee mugs and everything else you would expect to find in a souvenir shop. There were people everywhere looking over the items. We walked up to the counter and he asked the clerk for two tickets for admission to the mountain. I was shocked that we were actually paying to go in to see what I knew was a landfill. I tapped him on the arm and asked almost appalled, we actually have to pay to go in? It’s a landfill, why can’t anyone see that? He just smiled at me and paid the fee and got the two tickets. He said come on let’s go in.

We walked out the door at the back of the shop and onto an observation deck. It was a place where people who didn’t want to go all the way in could just watch and observe the festivities from the deck without having to get down on the ground or go near the mountain. We walked down some steps that led to a path we had to follow to get to the
base of the mountain. It seemed to be a long path, which was strange to me because I didn’t notice the path from the parking lot and it seemed way too long a path to fit behind the bait shop, which was almost right up against the bottom of the mountain.

When we finally made it to the mountain where there were many shows taking place. It looked like what you would see at a circus or carnival. There were various attractions available for people who were amazed at the tricks and acrobatic stunts being performed. The more amazing the feats the more praised the performers were by everyone that paid to get into the show. We continued walking and saw many tricks being performed.

I noticed something enticing me; trying to sway me to want to join in the festivities with everyone else. There was such and excitement and charge in the atmosphere, but I quickly shook it off. Then we came to a place where there were people in animal costumes like what you would see at Disneyland. There were big bears that looked like Yogi Bears, but the costumes seemed to be too big for the people wearing them. They also seemed to be some sort of celebrities because they had huge crowds gathered to watch them perform. They had their pictures all over the merchandise for sale in the bait shop so we stopped to watch with everyone else.

The bears would start running up the side of the mountain, but because it was so steep they could only run up so high and then they would come tumbling down. The people would cheer wildly for the bears that made it the highest up the mountain. 

Then there were three of the bears that somehow learned how to run up higher than the rest, but they came tumbling down much harder than the bears that didn’t run up as high as they did. They each took turns running up as high as they could. The higher the bears went up the mountain the harder they came tumbling down. The harder they came tumbling down, the harder the people cheered for them. The bears became celebrities and heroes to the people. The people seemed to worship them. So the bears would stand with their hands raised up as if in victory and would run up the mountain again to go higher than the last time only to come down harder and the people cheered more and more becoming more mesmerized by the bears as if they were the only ones with the skill and strength to run up the side of the mountain. Everyone kept trying to touch them when they came tumbling down as if some power would be imparted to them to climb the mountain like the bears. 

I was very grieved by all that I was witnessing. I thought to myself, this boring and stupid. Don’t these people know this is a landfill and not the mountain of God? I don’t care how they decorate it, it’s still a landfill and the waste that is buried in it is toxic to them and the surrounding subdivisions where they live. I also couldn’t understand why no one recognized God Himself standing there in their midst. I turned to say something to him about it and he was observing my reaction to everything I saw as he showed me around. I could sense he knew what I was thinking and that I was grieved. He looked at me and smiled.

End of dream 

Here is what the Lord said.

Be prepared for a greater release of My Spirit and power through the vehicle of My Word. There is an increase in power that will only come by revelation to those who seek Me with their whole heart, not only hearing My words, but also doing them and teaching others to do the same. These are they, through whom I will perform great signs, wonders and miracles. My people must put away the old mindsets of religion and remember not the former things and do not consider the things old that worked and produced a kind of fruit. Do not be like the people who made an idol of the brazen serpent Moses made to deliver My people for a specific time and season. Do not practice the things they practiced. I am not in or of the things of old that were for a specific time and purpose as the brazen serpent. Behold, I will do a new thing and it is springing forth now. How is it that some of you do not perceive it? I am making roads in the wilderness and rivers in the desert of the place that religion created to keep My people in bondage to rituals and traditions. I am bringing My Church to a place that seems to be a place of shipwreck, but it is not. It is only a place of transition from a vehicle that is no longer useful for the work and day that lies ahead. Many are rightly discerning that I am about to do a great thing, but no one knows what that great thing is. Many can sense it is on the horizon, but cannot say what it will look like because a thing never seen cannot be described with words. But know this, it will be like the day of Paul’s shipwreck. The crew of the ship threw their tackle, their means of providing and doing for themselves, over board, to lighten the ship. I am saying to My church and leaders today, get rid of all that weighs you down, the sin that so easily besets you. All that brings you gain and prosperity through your power and manipulation must go. Dark days are upon the earth and will continue to grow darker, but when it seems like the end, it is not, it is only the beginning of a new day. Just as the crew of the ship did not recognize the land when it was day, my church not recognize the land that I am revealing and bringing it to, but you will know that it is Me if you trust and obey, says the Lord. Paul’s ship came to a place where two seas met, a sandbar, and got stuck and was broken to pieces as the two seas beat against the ship. So I will do the same to the vehicle that My church has been stuck in for centuries. I will pour out what many might call the former and the latter rain, but it will be the harvest that I will pour out. A harvest so great that is will break apart every vehicle My leaders built themselves apart from Me. My leaders must let go of the anchors, loose the rudder ropes; and hoist the mainsail of My ship to the wind of My Spirit and trust in the Lord with all your heart and let my people go! Let My Spirit begin to move among the people no matter if it means shipwreck to your ministries. If the current state of your ministry cannot survive the move of My Spirit then run it aground. No longer care what people will say, no longer fear the opinions of man. I have many ministries and individuals stuck in a place where you can see the light of a new day just ahead of you, but you can’t get to the land you sense in the distance. It will require jumping ship, your ship, that you built, in order to get to that new place. The new land that you know I have brought you so close to and that you can almost see in the distance. If you yield to My Spirit and do all that I am leading you to do, I will cause you to become a very bright light in very dark days of which you have not entered into yet. I will use you to be a guide to those who do not know the way or who may have lost their way. You will be a beacon in very dark days that will lead many to Christ as Paul was able to lead the crew of the ship to dry land without losing one soul. So will I cause you to lead many to dry land, solid ground to stand on in a time and day when all the world has to offer is like shifting sand bringing utter destruction to all who build on the wisdom and lies this world gives. Will you hear and obey? Will you set your performance and ministry aside? Will you allow your fans to forget who you are and your star to begin to fade so I can shine bright through you and cause many to come into the kingdom through the Door called Straight & Narrow? Behold, the former things have passed away and a new thing I declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them. Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed. I am with you. When you come out of the fire you will not be burned, your hair will not be singed. You will not even smell of smoke. Only that which is not of Me will be consumed, but that which is gold and silver, holy and righteous, will remain.

The Lords says - I am speaking to leaders today face to face as I spoke to Moses. I am making Myself and My instructions clear to the leaders regarding My ministry and theirs. I say to you, the two cannot walk together. I am carefully considering your responses to My leading. I am carefully considering your responses to the revealing of My truth and greater understanding of My Spirit and Word. I am considering your willingness to cooperate with Me, your attention to detail and willingness to release to My people that which will release them from religion. It may be that some need to be released from you. For those who have been pressing in with sincerity of heart, knocking and knocking again, seeking and seeking again, and asking with out ceasing even though it seems that I am purposely pushing back and concealing truth and revelation from you, do not grow weary. I say to you that I have been testing you to see how bad you really thirst after righteousness and that you are willing to do and say all that I will reveal to you. Be prepare, I am about to open a door to you and reveal to you that which you sense, but have not been able to see clearly. I will walk you through many things and reveal to you many things that will cause you to say, I wish I hadn’t asked to see and know the things that you are showing me Lord! I say to you, be strong and of good courage for I am with you, and I am with you to help you understand what I am showing you. I will not let you be consumed with fear and doubt, but you will be consumed with zeal for My house because My house has been consumed by the world and the sway of it. This should not be so. Behold, I will cause you to speak My word concerning this and because you speak My word when I release you to speak, I will make My words in your mouth fire and the works of people and the world in My house will be as wood and it will be devoured. They will try to discredit you by saying you speak a lie, but do not fear them. The zeal of the Lord will do this thing in the site of all to see and for all to know to fear the Lord. My people are too familiar with Me. This too should not be so. I will make those who seem to be something to seen for what they really are and that is nothing, but only if they will not repent and yield to My Spirit. If they will not stop the blood shedding and fleecing of My people then I will cause them to be fleeced for all to see and to know that I am the Lord. If they will not stop diluting and perverting My words I will cause them to be diluted and perverted for all to see. I take no pleasure in the downfall of my leaders because they do not rise to fame alone and they do not fall to destruction alone. Many are the people that are taken down and scattered when a leader falls from grace. I will come forth in ways that will not be familiar to you so be quick to listen and slow to speak. Seek Me for confirmation and guidance on what to do and what to say. You will not recognize Me by familiarity or what you are comfortable with. I have been and I am still seeking people and places with the right attitude and atmosphere and that will hear and obey. My church has become like a landfill for the world to fill. It has become toxic to the spiritual condition of My people causing them to become like trees without leaves. This too should not be so. The practices used to bait My people are an abomination to Me. This should not be so. The manipulation disguised as the word of the Lord to get the people to sow into the work that I did not commission or request is an abomination to Me. This should not be so. The work that I commission does not require manipulation. I cause the people to have a willing heart and a willing spirit to fund the work that I do. I am opening their eyes to see and to know the work that I am doing and they who are of a willing heart and spirit will have seed to sow. I am opening their eyes to see that they are like trees without leaves. I am opening their ears to hear what they are not hearing from My leaders. I am opening their hearts to receive truth and that truth will set them free from religion even if My leaders will not set them free with the truth that I have revealed to them; only keeping it for themselves to know and to gain a profit from. I am doing these things to prepare My body for the days that are upon her. Days will be dark, but only for a season, but even in that season I will cause My people to rise up and become as bright lights in a dark day. My people will lead many on to the way and road of righteousness. My people will show the lost how to be found, the deaf how to hear again, the blind how to see, the broken hearted how to be made whole, the captives how to escape and the prisoners how to be pardoned and by this the enemy of My people, the accuser of the brethren will be plundered and his kingdom will suffer great loss. I will strike the skull of his head with the heel of the foot of My Bride and I will send confusion and light into the enemy’s kingdom. There will be caused by it a great exodus like the exodus of My people from Egypt. My Bride will overcome and destroy the works of the enemy set against her. This will happen and I tell you of it before it comes to pass, that you may be prepared for the harvest that I am about to release. I desire that not one soul be lost. Do you desire the same or do you wait for another opportunity to profit, another revelation to bind and sell? Desire the things that I desire and so shall you prosper. Surely, as I have thought, so it shall come to pass, and as I have purposed, so shall it stand; that I will break the works of the enemy in My land and on My mountain tread him underfoot. Then his yoke shall be removed from My people and his burden from their shoulders. The Lord of hosts has purposed and who will annul it? My hand is stretched out and who will turn it back? I will make them a people called blessed and all that they do will be called blessed. I will cause showers of favor and showers of blessing to come down on them. I will cause even those who have been like a tree cut down and left to a stump to sprout again. I have been witness to their being made a prey and I have been careful not to let their root die, but at the scent of what I am doing, the scent of My Spirit being poured out, they will bud again and bring forth branches like a new tree. They will be trees that yield their fruit once again bringing glory to the Father, Says the Lord.
  • Read Ezekiel 34
  • Lay aside hope of a speedy recovery, but instead decide today to serve the Lord with your whole heart. Do not shrug off the warnings and instructions that are coming forth from the prophets of God that things are going to get worse before they get better. Decide today whom you will serve. No matter the choice, fruit will be produced in abundance. God will favor you in a time of need.
  • Remember not the former things, now I am doing a new thing. Be willing to change, be willing to be changed.
  • Ezekiel 3 – God is calling us to intercede like never before. Do not shrug it off.
  • Pray for the nation, repent and cry out to God for the sins of our nation and for the sins of the church. We are all responsible for fasting and praying for the land He gave us. He calls it our land.
  • Pray for the leaders and people represented in the dream. Intercede for them that they will yield to the Lord and repent of their ways and begin to allow the Spirit come down and the people to come up.
  • Pray for leaders in government, they are also represented in the dream.
  • Reach out to your family and friends and encourage them to draw closer to the Lord. Now is the acceptable time, today is the day of salvation.

Second dream – Mangy dogs, American Bulldogs and Two Giant Silos 

I was standing on a path along a shore. There was a sea to my right and open land to my left. It was dusk so I could still see, but barely. There was a large black object sitting on ground next to the path. It had the form that a pillar of ice cream has when it is poured into a cone from an ice cream machine.  It stood 9 feet tall, had marks on it that looked like scratches. I just had a knowing it was 9 feet tall.

There was a man standing there next to it and he was yelling at me saying, look at what he’s done! Every time he says something one of these things pops up and we cannot get rid of it! I was trying to reason with the man, but he kept yelling at me to make him stop saying these things! This is heresy! The man was becoming angrier with me as I tried to convince him that what he heard was the truth. I said, sir I know this man very well and he hears from God. If he says something it’s the truth. I know what he is saying may seem controversial to you, but I have known him for a long time and if you think what he said is controversial you haven’t heard anything yet.

I was facing the black object, which was a pillar, and the gentleman with my back to the water. While we are reasoning I could hear behind me what sounding like someone splashing water as if someone was running through shallow water. I turned to look and in the distance, over the water was Lord! He was running on the water. He began to run with all his might towards me. He was laughing with great joy.

When he got to the shore he took a giant leap and landed right in front of me on the sand like and Olympic long distance jumper. He chuckled and said, hey. There was such a familiarity, like a bond between best friends, and I shoved him with both of my hands on his chest and I said, Dude! You’re freaking out the people! He laughed and said, I know, follow me I want show where the last explosion happened and why because it getting ready to happen again. Then he ran into some nearby woods.

I ran after him into the woods and found they began to ascend so it became like a hike up a mountain. Finally, after a while I came to a level where there was a clearing. There was an old dilapidated trailer home with junk all piled all around it, rusted appliances, furniture, papers, etc. There was no electricity or running water in the trailer home.

Two mangy malnourished dogs came out to me. They were brown and each had dog collars that were so tight they looked painful. The dogs seemed to want to attack me and for a moment I was frightened, but they had no real strength to hurt me. When they
Approached me with their jaws opened to attack; I put my left forearm up to shield myself from them. The bit down on my forearm but had no strength to even break the skin. They were biting on my arm, but it didn’t even hurt so I actually let them bite for a while to keep them distracted. Then Jesus suddenly said, hey follow me!  Lets keep moving. 

I didn’t realize that Jesus was standing on the other side of the clearing watching me. When I looked at him, he turned and continued running into the woods.

I ran after him into the woods, but he was running so fast I couldn’t keep up with him, but I knew where he was headed because he left a wake of his presence behind so I just followed his presence until after a short time ascending higher up the woods, but what seemed like a mountain, I came to another clearing.

There was what looked like a baseball pavilion with multiple fields for little league teams. I could tell it was a brand new complex because everything was clean; there was no trash anywhere. I noticed there was no concession stands anywhere; nothing was being sold. The whole complex was beautifully landscaped. Even the trees from the woods encircling the complex was landscaped and trimmed into beautiful shapes.

I walked up to the first diamond and it was fenced all around. There was no gate to open to get in or out of the diamond. There was two large white American Bulldogs with blood red collars inside the diamond playing with each other. I assumed they were playing because I could tell they were still puppies, probably about 1 year old each. Even though they were massive in size, they were still very playful like puppies.

Outside of the fence were some bleachers and there were some coaches sitting in the bleachers, but not many. They were watching the dogs very intently. That’s when I realized the dogs were not playing; they were training each other. The coaches seemed to be watching and learning from the dogs.

Suddenly, Jesus says, hey, you have to keep up with me. I was so interested in what I was watching that I kind of forgot about him. When I looked at him he laughed and I could tell he was purposely showing me these things even though I didn’t understand what I was seeing. He turned and continued running into the woods. I ran after him as hard as I could but I couldn’t catch up to him so I followed the wake of his presence through the woods, which continued to ascend higher.

After running through the woods a while, I came to another clearing and to the end of the woods. Jesus was standing there waiting for me with a big smile on his face. At a distance, there were two giant silos standing side-by-side. They were so big they seemed to almost touch the sky. He said this is where the last explosion happened. Then he said let me show you how it happened. We took one step toward the silos and we were instantly standing on top of them. Then he said look, let me show you and he lifted the lid off the top of the silos. Even though there were two silos next to each other, there was only one lid that covered them both. (One must exist to reveal the other). I looked down into the silos and they were filling with what looked like gunpowder, one was charcoal gray and the other was a very light gray. They were filling from the bottom up; they were both filling at the same time and at the same level. He looked at me and said when they both fill to the top and begin to overflow into each other, there will be a chemical reaction, which will cause an explosion as in the past, but this one will be bigger than any of the others. The others will pale in comparison to explosion that is about to take place. He looked at me and smiled and disappeared. End of dream

The Lord says this dream is a continuation of the first dream. The dream takes place at the renovated landfill in the first dream, but instead of seeing the beautiful panels on the side of the landfill and all the entertaining attractions, the true condition is revealed. The Lord says this is a place of transition and preparation for the church and God’s people. There is revelation, which is represented by the black pillar, that God is releasing to the people that is liberating them from religion and false doctrines. The people are waking up. The Lord says the angry man represented religion or religious leaders that will try to prove false those who will not hold back the word of the Lord and the revelation being released to the church today. The Lord says religious leaders would use Scripture to discredit and debunk that which the Father is releasing, but it will stand and not be proven to be false or a lie. That is why the black pillar had scratches on it because it represented them using scripture, the sword of the Word, to chop down that which is being revealed by the Father.

The mangy dogs and rundown trailer represent the spiritual condition of many people and ministries today. He said the baseball diamond, bulldogs and coaches represent the spiritual place and condition many are being transitioned to. He said the mangy dogs were transformed into a new breed of believer being raised out of America and he called them his American Bulldogs. He said they would be like bulldogs concerning God and the Kingdom. They will possess great strength, tenacity, determination and confidence. They will be loyal, fearless, zealous for the things of God, obedient, faithful, consistent, intelligent beyond their age and strong-willed, as in, strong in the will of the Lord. This new breed of believer will know the Lord and have His heart and mind concerning the Kingdom and the people of the Kingdom. They will be bound to the 

Lord, protective of the riches of the Kingdom, guardians of the things of God. They will lock their jaws on that which the Lord has given to the Body and they will not be shaken off by leaders in the church and in government who seek to pervert truth and justice, but they will latch onto it and begin to decree and declare the judgments, which God is releasing in this hour in America. They will be relentless guardians of truth and liberty and they will not love their lives unto death.

The Lord said that the real war was in the heavenlies. He said that’s why he had to take me to the top of the silos to look into them so I could see them filling up fast. He said they represented the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of the satan. He said that it was about to spill over into the natural realm and that he would use it to be the fire that will ignite the greatest outpouring of his power and ingathering of souls, but that it will not look like anything we could ever imagine. When it begins to manifest, the people will not discern my plan in action, but will cry out, where is God now? Why is he allowing this to take place?

Thus says the Lord, Out of this fiery furnace will come a new breed that I long to bring forth.

·        The Lord is not saying there are no faithful leaders or believers. He is saying there are many that are not faithful and believing. He is dealing with those who need to be dealt with.
·        Those who are with the Lord must be prepared for those that will be released to them to mentor, teach and lead. You are not exempt if you are not ordained. The Lord just ordained you now. Welcome to the ministry. 
·        We must intercede for our leaders, the people and this nation; God always reveals his plans and purposes so that we can prepare and not be caught off guard or to give us a chance to turn from our wicked ways before its too late.
·        God always reveals coming judgment to his faithful ones that will pray, repent and cry out to Him for mercy instead of judgment. He did it with Abraham, Moses, Jonah and Amos. He showed Amos how judgment was coming to the people and Amos cried out to God - forgive Lord God for Jacob is small and weak - and God relented.
·        No longer fear what people think about what you believe or what you confess. It’s time to wake up! Its time to stand up for righteousness and be a light in this country!
·        Instead fear for them if they do not know the Lord and you do not open your mouth! Witness, witness, witness!
·        We must not be afraid to stand and declare truth when a lie is being taught! We have the Way, the Truth and the Life, Jesus, inside of us and all we have to do is open our mouths, but we are afraid to tell people they are living in sin and going to hell! We don’t want to offend anyone; we just want to love them unconditionally. That’s bad doctrine.
·        We must be willing to confront with truth those who teach falsely and in error the word of God deceiving many, i.e. the blessing of same sex marriage by a church and other not so obvious false doctrines.
·        We must be willing to confront leaders who are not telling the people the true spiritual state of the church and of this country because of fear of offending or losing a few. The truth is the church is asleep and no one is doing anything about it. Wake up Church! Wake up America! 

Third dream – Two nuclear bombs explode near home

I was in my home bracing for some coming event. It seemed that all the doors and windows in the house had been secured. I was now standing in the living room by a loveseat and facing the front door. The Lord was standing just behind me to my left and said, there is a nuclear bomb coming and its going to explode, but do not be afraid, nothing is going to happen to you. Just then, I heard the sound of the missile flying across the sky and over my home. It was the most frightening sound I ever heard even as it was flying into the distance. Then I heard the explosion. Somehow, I knew that the explosion took place somewhere on the other side of the world. I felt it was somewhere in the Middle East, possibly even Israel. Immediately after the explosion there was the sound of a freight train coming in the distance from the location of explosion. It was the shockwave from the explosion that was coming in our direction. It too made a very frightening sound as it drew closer. The ground began to shake and everything in the house, including me, began to vibrate. When it reached us I braced for the impact, but nothing happened. It was like a soft breeze blew past us. As I let out a sigh of relief, the Lord said, there is a second nuclear bomb coming. This one is going to land just outside your front door, but do not be afraid, nothing with happen to you. This time he said it very seriously and it caused me to fear. He said it again; do not be afraid, I am right here, nothing is going to happen to you, but you must not be afraid. Then I braced myself behind the loveseat on my hands and knees, but kept my eyes glued on the front door. Then I heard the missile coming and it sounded worse than the first one. I never heard something so frightening that it shook me to the very core. Everything was vibrating just from the roar of it coming. The Lord had to remind me again not to be afraid. Then it landed just outside my front door and exploded. The whole house and everything in it shook violently. Things began to fall off the walls and shelves; furniture shook and vibrated all over the place, but something amazing happened. While everything shook and vibrated, I was completely unaffected. I didn’t shake or vibrate. I couldn’t feel anything that I was witnessing with my eyes. I should have been knock to the ground, blown to pieces along with the house, but it was as if I was suspended in motion or another realm while the bomb exploded outside. When it was over, the house was still standing, not even one window was broken out. There was dust in the air that was just beginning to settle, but I woke from the dream before I could get a good look at the place to see if there was any damage. End of dream

I have been seeking the Lord about this dream since I had it two months ago. He spoke to me yesterday, September 19, and gave me understanding. He is what he said:

The first bomb that exploded represents the Muslim uprising in the Middle East and the following shockwave is the news of it coming to America. But just as the shockwave in the dream was like a soft breeze passing by, so has been the news of the uprising to America and my people. It has come to pass over like a soft breeze. At the first report of the uprising, my people stood still and paid attention, but only for a moment. But once it was clear that nothing was affected here at home life continues on like nothing. Even though many are being murdered and extremely violent anti-American demonstrations are taking in the Middle East, America and my people are not taking the current events seriously because America is in a state of deep sleep and slumber. From the White House to the pulpit, America and my people are in a state of false security and vulnerability because of sin and iniquity. Do not be deceived by those who say, Peace! Peace! My leaders are not warning the people, but are catering to them instead. Being careful to serve them a word that will tingle here and tingle there, but it is not I doing the tingling. I am revealing my secrets to them, but they are not revealing them to the people. Now, more than ever before is the time to be spiritually sober and vigilant. The adversary is on the move and those who are asleep and those who slumber will be devoured. It has been 11 years since 9/11 and America has grown darker and further from me than ever before. The time since 9/11 has been weighed in the balance and America has been found lacking. Life as you now know it is about to change just as it changed after 9/11. All that can be shaken will be shaken and all will be affected, but those who put their trust in me will not be moved. Declare to the people - look among the nations, watch and pray! – Be utterly astounded! For the Lord will work a work in your days which you would not believe if it were told you! But they will not listen to you; they will say among themselves, whom does he serve? Who is his covering? Declare to the people – lay aside your plans and purposes to pray and fast instead; co-labor with the Christ, but they will put it off for another day even as they declare themselves - the word is of the Lord! But they will only hear the word and not do it; even though much love is preached, the heart only seeks to gain and not give. In the dream the second bomb lands outside the front door of your house and it represents the uprising that has not taken place yet, but it is at your front door, says the Lord. Do not fear but only believe and trust in me. Reach out to your loved ones and those close to you. Compel them to draw close to me. Tell your friends and neighbors the Lord has need of them. Even though the day seems very dark, there is an outpouring and an awakening that is coming to America and there will not be room enough to hold the harvest. Every church, hotel and home will be filled with the glory of the Lord. Stadiums will be overflowing at the sound of the angels singing and declaring the mercies and blessings of God over the people. I will move and no man or ministry will claim fame to my works. No man or ministry will profit from it. I will cause to rise up many whose hearts are filled with the thoughts and intentions of the Father. They will seek the things of God concerning the people and the kingdom. They will be leaders and not masters, shepherds and not hirelings, and all who seek to thwart and discredit them will be humbled. I will bring down every person and ministry that has been made to stand on high places to be made fat with the finances of my people, deceiving them and being deceived themselves. I will cause favor and increase to be released into every home and family and it will be called the Blessing of My People. I will do this thing and I will not postpone these words any longer. I will perform my words, which I am speaking. Now, as in the dream, the second bomb is outside the front door, time to wake up America the great sleeper! Time to stand in the glory of the Lord as you once stood before, to be a light and symbol of freedom and to declare once again that you are “One Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All” Says the Lord.

Samuel Ramos

                                                                2 Chronicles 7:14

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Are you praying? Are you praying for God to heal this nation? Let's make it personal, are you praying for God to heal your nation? Do you even know that it needs healing?

I was encouraged by Lavonne Chandler to ask the Lord a question out of this scripture and I also encourage you to do the same.

Lord, what's my wicked way? Tell me Lord, what is Samuel's wicked way? The Lord said to me, complacency and silence son. He told me it's time to speak out what you believe and to stand for righteousness no matter what it cost. It's the only way that light will pierce the darkness.

Brothers and sisters, I want you to know that my heart is pierced. For you, reading his response to me may or may not have an affect on you, but I promise you, if you ask Him what your wicked way is He will answer you and you will have your heart pierced. I dare you to ask Him for a heart that is burning for the things that His is burning for and burdened with.

It is time for you to find your voice.

God bless you as you seek Him and as you cry out for your nation the United States of America.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

New Territory

Dear friends,

The title says it all. I am stepping into new territory by starting this page to share anything the Lord gives me to share. He said specifically to start a This is so out of the realm I thought He  would use me in, but what do I know. I do know the Lord is stretching or requiring me to be more responsible and dependable...accountable with what He is giving me. He also said he has been speaking to many others to start something new, but many have been putting it off. So I am stepping out publicly to be a prophetic sign to anyone that will see this and be moved and inspired to do what God has been nudging them to do. No matter how outside of the realm of "You" it may be, just do it. Cooperate with Him and be blessed by the new thing He will do in you and through you.

I already have something to share after this initial post. I had three dreams on 03/01/11, 03/19/12 and 07/24/12. I did not remember the dream from last year until the Lord brought all three dreams to mind a couple of weeks ago. As I read through my journals He revealed the dreams were connected. He began to speak to me about them and said I was to share them with everyone. So you should see them posted very soon.

My prayer for you is that confidence will rise up in you causing you to step out and do that new thing God has shown you to do. There may be many others more qualified than you are for the job, but He chose you. Go for it!

Much love for you,
