Sunday, September 29, 2013

Back from trip to Israel - Part 1: The Western Wall

Many of you remember that I sent out a post saying the Lord instructed me to provide opportunity to sow into this trip by way of prayer and offerings. I was also to take a list of all in my contact list on FB and email as well as family and friends of anyone who desired to be added. I was to take this list with me to the Western Wall and to make mention of all on the list in prayer and then leave the list of names in the wall. Well the list grew to be so big that I had to cut it into many smaller pieces to fold them up and place them in the wall. When word got out about what I was going to do the emails started coming in! I got names and offerings from people I never knew or met. It was amazing and very humbling. The Lord said to make mention of them all in prayer at the wall and leave their names there and that it would come before Him for a memorial of their prayers and offerings for me and the group I was with. The last time I read in Acts 10 that prayers and offerings when before God for a memorial it brought salvation to the Gentiles. I don't know what you need salvation from, but its coming. The attached picture I took of the wall from a distance before I went to it to pray and the second one with the pencil pointing to the location where I put your names. I found out something very cool last night at a wedding. When the prayers fall out of the cracks in the wall they are not thrown away. They are collected in a jar and buried at the Mount of Olives because that is where He is going to return to when He comes back! Wow! I also attempted to record a video clip that morning before I left for the hotel. I think they are hilarious and I will never try to do another clip when I  just woke up and had less than three hours of sleep. Keep in mind that I had 16 to 18 hours days on top of that so I was extremely exhausted and it shows in the attached clips. I thought I would share them because I couldn't stop laughing so I hope they make you laugh too. Again, thank you for all your prayers and support. I know that my God will supply are your needs through His riches and glory through Christ Jesus. Amen.

Western Wall at the Temple Mount - Jerusalem (taken before names placed in wall)

Pencil marking place where names were left after praying. That space was packed tight with names!

The following videos I mentioned in earlier. After viewing them, I thought they were so funny that I wanted to share them with you. I had just woken up from about 2 to 3 hours of sleep. I overslept and was trying to hurry and do the clip before I had to attend a meeting for the guides and bus captains before we started boarding the buses and taking role call. You will see what I mean when you watch the clips. I hope they make you laugh as they did me. 

A bad attempt to record a video with only 2 to 3 hours of sleep, oversleeping and missing breakfast. Then attending a meeting for guides and bus captains before boarding the bus to ensure no one is left behind. So funny. 

Take 2!

Take 3!

Take 4!

Take 5 and last one! Even though I am still asleep in this clip, I think you will get the message. :)

I want to thank each and every one of you who prayed and supported this amazing and awesome journey. I am excited about going back next year and I hope that some of you will join me. 

Until then, God bless and next year in Jerusalem!