Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Dream – My dog runs out back door and I get locked out


I was in my home that I currently live in. I was in the kitchen doing something, might have been cooking. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw what I thought was my dog, Enoch, dash by me and out the back door. I didn’t realize it was even open. It happened so fast that I didn’t have time to get a good look to see what passed by me. I ran as fast as I could out the back door after him. I didn’t know if the gate was open and I wanted to catch him before he got out because once he’s out it’s hard to get him back in since he weighs over a hundred and ten pounds. As I ran out the house, I noticed he was sitting at the far side of yard looking at me and there was a black cat sitting next to him, which I thought was strange. As I approached him I noticed it was very dark outside like it was night, only there was something not right about the sky. When I got where Enoch was sitting, I was shocked to see it was only a grey statue of him and a black statue of a cat. I suddenly realized I had been deceived to be lured out of my house. I turned to look back at it just as the back door was being shut and locked. I was overtaken by fear of what was outside with me. End of dream  

 Please read this very carefully and prayerfully. I woke up at 12:28 am and I knew the time meant something because I normally do not pay attention to the time when I wake up in the middle of the night. The Lord instructed me to look up the scriptures on a Chapter & Verse Dream Card I got from Breath of the Spirit Ministry. There were only two with 12:28. I will list them at the end of the prophetic word the Lord gave me to release. They seem to support the word. The Lord did not make me seek Him for understanding about this dream. He is simply saying we must all begin to tell those around us to turn from the world and to the Lord before it’s too late. There is not much time for many of them to turn to Him. I believe something is going to happen which will end many lives and we must be prepared to deal with the fact that we may personally know some of them. He clearly said,

Tell the people now is not the time to backslide or compromise. Make a conscious decision today and choose whom you will serve. Do not take for granted My grace or mercy. Be done with your pet sins and go after them no longer as a dog returns to his vomit. It is only idolatry and rebellion to continue trampling underfoot the blood of My dear and precious Son. He paid a price you could have never paid and it was enough.
My grace is sufficient for you to not backslide and compromise. Grieve no longer My Spirit to the point of death. Isn’t it enough that I died for you and have given you the kingdom? The enemy has deceived many into lusting after the things of this world, but they only lead to darkness as the five foolish virgins discovered for themselves. Do not be foolish as they were foolish. Do not continue to come into My presence, in My house, only to take it with you and squander by way of perversion. You deceive yourselves into thinking that I will forgive and forgive again. Once the door is shut it will remain shut and no man can open. So heed the voice of My Word and humble yourselves unto the Almighty, for even now a seal has been broken and a vial is poured out. Glory to the Lamb is the song being sung in heaven now! So make haste, and waste not the time, but you must reach out and find all who have strayed and all who have fallen away. Compel and compel again, say to them, the time is at hand for the great and terrible day of the Lord, and it comes quickly like a thief in the night. You! Believer! You must now be a doer of the Word, believing and doing My Words. I will tell you what that man will look like in the days of great shaking, which are just ahead. He is like a man who built his house on the rock and when all that could be shaken was shaken, his house stood and was not moved. Assuredly I tell you the truth, many in the days ahead will be shaken, and shaken again, but they will not stand because they have built their lives on the lies of this world’s system and I liken them to the man who built his house on sand and great will be the destruction of that man. I desire that not one soul should parish, so run with fire and minister to the lost. Be reconciled to all. Do not hold anything against another and save your own soul. Love covers a multitude of sin. Cry out! Come all who are thirsty and drink! Find rest for your souls! But to My children I say do not fear, for I have called you for such a time as this. I say again, for to this day you were born. Trust in Me with all your heart and I will direct your paths. Do not deviate to the left or to the right, but only obey My commands in these days and you will know Me as I AM in these days, and the people who know I AM will be strong and carry out great and mighty exploits. Let not your hearts be troubled, but be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Watch and pray, says the Lord.

Proverbs 12:28 In the way of righteousness is life, And in its pathway there is no death.

Ezekiel 12:28 “Therefore say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “None of My words will be postponed any more, but the word which I speak will be done,” says the Lord GOD.’ ”

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