Saturday, February 8, 2014

02-07-14 Prophetic Word - Let NO-thing hold you back!

Don't let anything hold you back. Go for it. Those around you will either support you or criticize you. Let both motivate you to give it your all. Keep your eyes on the prize, Jesus the Christ, and you will succeed. Might as well get used to it, not all people are for you, not all people want to see you succeed. They will be quick to tell you what God is telling them to tell you to do, but hardly ever do anything themselves. Rise up above the approvals of men for motivation to act. You are already approved. You are already equipped. Be very careful of those who are always lifting you up saying how awesome you are and how powerful you are because they will also be the first pull you down and trash you. Walk in love, godly love and not sensual love. Believe the best, but most of all, believe God and His Word. Give Him the glory always and He will direct your steps. Boast about Christ and Him crucified. Preach His gospel and not some gospel contrary to the gospel of His kingdom and you will see the salvation of the Lord move for those who believe.... if you believe.