Saturday, September 7, 2013

I leave for Israel one week from today, 09-07-13!

Leaving for Israel in 1 week!

Some you already know that I am leaving for Israel in a week. Yes, ISRAEL. I will be there for two weeks. 

I am not going for vacation nor a sabbatical. I am going by the hand of God with a mission to bless the people and the land. I cannot share everything that happened to make this possible because I would have to write a book and I just might do that one day, but I do want to personally share a little about the way God made all this possible in the attached video.

After much prayer, I believe the Lord has made it clear to me that I should provide opportunity for people to sow seed into this mission trip. There will be many opportunities to sow to the people and the land, which will require finances.

One thing we will do is visit Israeli soldiers to let them know we love them and we are praying for them. It has got to be a heavy burden carry to be a young Israeli soldier, most times a teenager, and all you see in the news is the world hates you and only desires to see you and your people destroyed. Pray for Israel and the peace of Jerusalem. I got this idea to have camouflage silicone bracelets inscribed with - Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed shall prosper! This is your heritage! - and to give them to soldiers and any Israeli/Jew that will give me the time of day. I believe I am being led to encouraged them to wear it as a reminder of the covenant God made with Abraham, and therefore, with them, to bless and protect them for all generations. Hallelujah! There are many needs the Lord will meet in the land and for the people there and it will take finances. You ask why go half way around the world to do this? Well, because God said to. 

Prayers and Giving – A Memorial Before God

Acts 10:3-4 About the ninth hour of the day he saw clearly in a vision an angel of God coming in and saying to him, “Cornelius!” And when he observed him, he was afraid, and he said, “What is it, lord?” So he said to him, “Your prayers and your alms have come up for a memorial before God.”

Your giving is a memorial before God. Pastor Tony says the seed you sow is received in heaven and becomes a memorial before God. Your dollars become “little preachers” preaching about your generosity before God continually.

I was reminded about a dream I had months ago, which I did not understand. I found myself standing in a cloud of God’s presence. Then, as it cleared slightly, I saw what looked like pillar in front of me with writing or etching resembling hieroglyphics. It was so very beautiful that it captivated me. I was in such awe as I drew close and then I noticed a beautiful aroma being release by it. End of dream

The Lord said it represented the prayers and giving of His people, to Him a beautiful sight to behold and wonderful aroma to be overcome with, and the carvings, designs and etchings were symbolic of His works and the people He did them through. Wow!

I am sharing this with you, and asking you for, your prayers while I am in Israel. Please cover the group I will accompany on this trip with your prayers.

Of the two weeks I will be in Israel, I will spend an entire day in the Old City of Jerusalem. The Lord has instructed me to print a list of every person’s name that will receive this message. I am to make a copy reduced as small as possible and take it with me to the Wailing Wall. The Lord said I am to make mention of you, your family and friends while I spend time there in prayer and I will leave the list with your names rolled tight and stuffed into one of the spaces in the wall. If you've been there personally or plan to go in the future or if you do not think you may ever get an opportunity to travel there yourself, you can know that your name was verbally mentioned in prayer there at the wall, and it was on a list of names on a sheet of paper physically placed into one of the cracks in the wall. It will represent your prayers and giving before the Lord and I am expecting Him to do something great for each one of you because He instructed me to do this. I could not have imagined to do something like this, which I think is too cool.

Please prayerfully seek the Lord and ask if He would have you give and how much. Let me be clear, I am not in any way trying to collect a fee for placing your name in the wall in Jerusalem. There is no power in that anyway. It is symbolic and my way to honor you before God while at standing on His holy ground and under probably one of the greatest portals to heaven known to man. The power lies in your obedience to God, should He instruct you to pray and/or give that will be the key to release His blessing. And because you do this, I know that my God shall supply all your needs through His riches and glory in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Feel free to call me on my cell, should you have questions. 832-771-2629/cell#

Please mail your offering to:

Samuel Ramos III
PO Box 681601
Houston, Texas 77268

Or you can deposit directly to bank account:

Samuel Ramos III
Capitol One Bank
Account # 381 31 94790

Or you can give it to me personally if prefer.

In Christ,
