I am anointing you to pray the things that are in heaven so
that they will be on earth the same. The mantle to pray and to intercede on your
behalf and on behalf of the Body My plans and My purposes for you this day and
hour upon the earth is now imparted to you. I have broken the alabaster box and
have poured the oil upon your heads to prepare you to do the things that I have
called you to do. You have been faithful to do what you know to do in the natural and I have
watched and considered your works. I call them good works. So now I will add to
you a fresh anointing to pray the prayer of faith and out of the things not
seen will come forth the things that are seen with the natural eye and touched
with the natural hand.
It is your voice speaking My words that will activate that
thing which you see and perceive in the spirit realm, but have yet to see it
birthed into the natural realm. You must draw closer to Me through vehicle of
prayer. It is the only way that I will reveal to you My secrets before I perform
them. You must yield to the Spirit of Intercession when He calls. No longer putting off the prayer watch for another day.
Be mindful of your words for they have power to root
out and pull down, to destroy and throw down the works of the enemy and even the
very works birthed by your idle words. Be mindful of your words for they have
the power to build and to plant My kingdom, but idle words will give access to
the enemy to establish his kingdom in your lives. Speak My word at all times
and it will not fall dead to the ground, but it will produce fruit. I
watch over My words to perform them and to perform them on your behalf.
This anointing to pray is to pray the will of the Father and not the will of man. The will of the Father is His Word and if you know His Word and abide it and it in you, then you will know the will of the Father. You will know what the Father is doing and what the Father is saying and you will pray in My name and it will be done for you.
The angels only do the will of the Father and hearken unto His voice, the voice of His Word. They will not be moved by man's words nor are they commanded to do what is contrary to My Spirit. They excel in strength and are obedient to My Word at all times and so you should follow their example.
There is a move in the earth to remove those who will to be a voice for good and not evil. There is a move in the earth to quiet the voices of righteousness. There is move in earth to call good evil and evil good and the move has it origin in the second heaven. You cannot withstand in the natural that which cannot be handle with hands. It must be dealt with in the realm of the spirit and then the natural can be placed in order. It can only be done by the vehicle of intercession, by the mantle to pray.
Do not be moved by the enemy and his agents that seem to out number My people. Yield to intercession and your eyes will be opened to see that there are more that are for you and with you than there could ever be against you.
I have decreed a thing and it will be declared among the nations, but you must come to the secret place that only you have access to enter. You are seating with Christ in heavenly places, far above all principalities and powers and mights and dominions and every name that could ever be named. It is in the secret place where I will reveal to you the things I am doing in the earth. I am faithful to reveal it before I do it. I will not do it unless I reveal it to My prophets first that they might be My trumpets sounding the alarm. These are troubling times and days and I am sounding alarms to warn and to protect My people. I am visiting you in dreams and visions to seal your instruction in you. I do this in order to conceal you from pride and to prevent you from falling into the pit or by perishing by the sword.
I am gracious and merciful. I know your works. You must see, you must perceive, that today I have set a door before you. The door of intercession has been opened to you, My church and no one will shut it; even though you are weak and have little strength, you have purposed to keep My Word and not deny My name. Because you have purposed in your hearts to persevere, I also have purposed to keep you from the hour of trial that will come upon the whole world, to test those whole dwell on the earth.
I tell you of things to come. I tell you through the vehicle of intercession, in the secret place.
Amos 3:7-8
Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken! Who can but prophesy?
Psalm 103:20-22
Bless the Lord, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His Word, heeding the voice of His Word. Bless the Lord, all you His hosts, you ministers of His, who do His pleasure. Bless the Lord, all His works, in all places of His dominion. Bless the Lord, O my soul!