Dear friends,
The title says it all. I am stepping into new territory by starting this page to share anything the Lord gives me to share. He said specifically to start a This is so out of the realm I thought He would use me in, but what do I know. I do know the Lord is stretching or requiring me to be more responsible and dependable...accountable with what He is giving me. He also said he has been speaking to many others to start something new, but many have been putting it off. So I am stepping out publicly to be a prophetic sign to anyone that will see this and be moved and inspired to do what God has been nudging them to do. No matter how outside of the realm of "You" it may be, just do it. Cooperate with Him and be blessed by the new thing He will do in you and through you.
I already have something to share after this initial post. I had three dreams on 03/01/11, 03/19/12 and 07/24/12. I did not remember the dream from last year until the Lord brought all three dreams to mind a couple of weeks ago. As I read through my journals He revealed the dreams were connected. He began to speak to me about them and said I was to share them with everyone. So you should see them posted very soon.
My prayer for you is that confidence will rise up in you causing you to step out and do that new thing God has shown you to do. There may be many others more qualified than you are for the job, but He chose you. Go for it!
Much love for you,